ESRA Educational Video Competition

An international jury will select six finalists, and the videos will be displayed during the 41st ESRA Annual Congress. In Prague, a special session will be held in which anyone with a tele voting app will take part in selecting the winners.

Educational videos are one of the most effective tools for training regional anaesthesia and pain medicine techniques. Videos are used widely both as self-improvement tools and as CME materials.

ESRA celebrates the passion and commitment of our many members who produce educational videos, often doing so with no professional help.

Our last edition has collected contribution from 19 teams out of 13 countries. We can do better this time, can't we?

So take part in the 6th edition by submitting your educational video!

Competition rules

- The videos must have been produced in the twelve months prior to the 41st ESRA Annual Congress.
- Videos must last max. 10 minutes, preferably no more than 6 (max. 500 MB) [video tutorial]
- Videos may be on any topic concerning regional anaesthesia and pain medicine. Topics may include techniques, safety, and patient information management.
- Submitters must be active ESRA members in 2024.
- Please avoid referring to any brand or society that promote any regional products.
- Once your video is ready, fill in the registration form online here.
- Upload your video. Most file formats are supported.
- If your file doesn't upload, email us at or call us at +39 02 89512380 (work days from 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00 CET).

Selection process

- Submitted videos will be reviewed and evaluated by a Jury selected by the ESRA Educational Committee.
- Videos will be evaluated and allocated a mark between 0 and 5 for each of the following criteria:
        1. Content (know-how, skills, technique illustrated)
        2. Story board (how the content is structured)
        3. Teaching quality (how the message is delivered)
        4. Video quality (image, sound)
- A maximum of 20 points are allocated to a video.
- 6 finalists will be selected by the jury prior to the congress and notified by ESRA
- Authors of the 6 selected videos will be expected to attend and present their video abstract during a dedicated session at the 41st ESRA Annual Congress
- The Jury and all attendees will vote the best three videos among the six finalists
- All attendees could assign 1 vote. The average will be computed into the final ranking


- The three winners will receive receive the following prizes:
     - 1.000€ - 1st prize
     - 750€ - 2nd prize
     - 500€ - 3rd prize


Should you encounter any problem in uploading your video, please write to this address or call +39 02 89512380 (work days from 9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:30 CET).

For all other questions, you can contact